Evolution of the Dragon

Monday, August 15, 2005

Media Attention

So, I was home over the weekend to attend a good friend's wedding, which was very beautiful. While I was there, I came across this article in the Denver Post. It's interesting how much attention tattoos are getting in the media. With a plethora of so-called reality shows about the topic, tattooing has hit the mainstream in a hard way. One of the nice things about flying on JetBlue is getting to watch DirecTV. So, on the flight out to Denver, I had the chance to watch the whole National Geographic Channel's series Taboo on tattoos and body modifications. Taboo has been the best show that I have seen on tattoos. The show focuses on historical significances of tattoos and body modifications in various cultures of the world. I definitely recommend the show if you have the opportunity to watch TV.

posted by jim @ 7:50 AM


Interesting article..especially the part about Tokyo Joe's.... now if they could just work on improving their sushi!
Anonymous Anonymous, at Monday, August 15, 2005 4:49:00 PM  
Agreed! Tokyo Joe's food isn't all that great, but I'm glad to hear that they have an open perspective regarding their hiring practices.
Anonymous Anonymous, at Monday, August 15, 2005 5:41:00 PM  
True dat; however, people who think that it is their constitutional right to dress or decorate themselves as they please and not bear any responsibility for it are monstrously naive. I can't tell you the number of people I've talked out of getting tattoos on their hands or necks. They have no idea why anyone should even give it a second thought- no foresight into future careers, opportunities, etc. We still don't live in an MLK, Jr. "judge people by the content of their character" world. Obviously, should having tattoos bear upon your opportunity or ability to get a job or a loan? Of course not. Does it? Absolutely. Being heavily tattooed has even made the difference for me between getting a seat on the subway versus standing, so the larger implications are immeasurable. People- tattooed and non-tattooed- just need to show some sense.
Anonymous Anonymous, at Tuesday, August 16, 2005 8:32:00 AM  

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