Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Money Burning A Hole In Your Wallet...
you should go out and spend your hard earned money on something interesting! I would highly suggest getting the September issue of International Tattoo Art Magazine. Ok, so I'm a little biased! There's an article in the magazine featuring an interview with Phuc. I don't think it has yet to actually hit the newsstand, because I stopped by B&N today and they still had the August issue. Is it me or do magazines keep on getting further and further ahead on months? It's only May! Anyways, I haven't seen the issue, but I do plan on getting it. Since I'm on the topic of Phuc, I have to say how much I appreciate how enthusiastic he is or at least he appears to be about doing this tattoo. But, my theory is that he really enjoys tattooing and seem to be enthusiastic about doing any tattoo. With maybe the exception of a Mickey Mouse tattoo. Well...Unless it's a Sailor Jerry style Mickey Mouse tattoo. The mark of a great artist is how passionate he or she is about what they do, and Phuc is very passionate about tattooing. I only see him for the time that he actually tattoos me, but I know, especially during these past three outlining sessions, that he spends a good amount of time planning and sketching what he's going to do prior to the session. By the time I arrive, he knows what the goal is for the day. Also, if you haven't noticed, he's an amazing artist and a really nice guy. If you have not had the chance to see his other tattoos or artwork, I highly recommend that you check out the website.
As Sue reminds us, Phuc's true talent isn't actually his artistic abilities, but his uncanny knowledge of Star Wars mythology.
By the way, I never knew D. Vader played football.
Whenever I tattoo, I always remember the first week or month that I started oh-so-many years ago and how exciting it was. There are so few times in your existence when you can sense that your life is changing in a huge way- the first few months of college was like that, too- so I try to keep those intial feelings of awe, gratitude, and excitement close to me whenever I work. Tattooing has changed my life all for the better and in a profound way, so I don't forget it too often; it rarely feels like tedious work or a chore, and if it did, I wouldn't do it.
Thank you very much,
Mr. Roboto